Thursday, 29 October 2009

Getting Motivated

Looking for some inspiration for new work! Finally got myself a job here in Colchester (a rubbish one but a job none the less) so I can now start some new work. Argh. Its a scary thought after such a long time (well siince june).
So instead I wanted to showcase some of my favourite Flickr Photographers, enjoy!

Firstly .breanna.'s work, I love her landscape images! And this current work with her Diana, its so quiet and still.

Secondly, Monsieur_chat and his amazing polariods, and medium format goodies. I like the nostalgia of the polaroids and the gorgeous focal points of the medium format shots. Sublime!

Also another great flickr contact of mine is Ryan Hancock, I love his medium format goodnes,s looking into the mudane but beautiful side of life. All of the images in his apartment are so peaceful. It looks like an amazing place to live.

Once I work out how to use this blog better Ill put some photos up.


Monday, 26 October 2009

New Blog

Hello there.
This is my third attempt at a blog, I hope I can make it better this time around. I would love to give updates of my own work as well as showcasing other artists work and my influneces. I hope you can find something interesting, and maybe even inspiring!

To kick start here is an image from my most recent idea. I wanted to look back on the seasons and find the quiet element to it. That memorable moment when everything is just...still.
Let me know what you think.